Can I get a copy of your specs for the B020 (scanned images if at all
possible, if not paper is fine). I want to add it to my webpage as a lot
of transputer users I know have these and don't have any docs on these.
The Scanned images would be a snap to clean up and convert to HTML
with any figures and schematics in gif/jpeg. Thanks for helping out.
PS: I got my B008 working like a charm. Now I am waiting for the B020
drivers and software to test it out. Currently seeing if I can get XWindows
running on the B020. It really is quite difficult, especially without any docs.
Download Helios 1.3 from my webpage at
and see if you can get it running on yours.
( o o )
| Ram Meenakshisundaram
| Senior Software Engineer
| OpenLink Financial Inc
| .oooO Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267
| ( ) Oooo. Email:
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Received on Mon May 17 1999 - 17:37:14 BST