Collecting PCs

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Mon May 17 23:46:46 1999

On 17 May 99 at 17:10, Chuck McManis wrote:

> The general disdain with which PC collecting is met with on this list is
> understandable, however, I have been thinking there must be something here.
> I recall the folks who have collected PETs and C64s that are pretty common
> and "worthless" these days (I saw a new Vic20 in box at the Hamvention that
> they couldn't _give_ away.)

 Well had you picked it up you could have made a bit of money. Check what
they're going for on E-Pay and also the lowly Atari 2600 prices. Old Pets will
go for more than many minis. But of course we aren't talking about economic
values here, unless it's an Altair or Imsai., but of esthetic "worth".
Different strokes fo different folks.

> So I've had some thoughts on what might be useful to "collect" when it came
> to the PC industry and this is what I've come up with:
> 1) All motherboard types - collecting one each of the "standard"
> sizes (AT, XT, Baby-AT, etc)
> 2) Collecting one each of all processor types.
> 3) Collecting one each of all media types.
> 4) Collecting all of the video standards.
> 5) "Famous brands", IBM, Compaq, etc.
> 6) "Famous peripherals", Bus mouse, XT keyboard, AT keyboard, etc
> This is something that anyone could start today since, like the computers
> of yore, this stuff is currently being tossed out.
> Comments?
> --Chuck
 Well I'm a collector of the "disdained" and we are Legion. You can't have been
looking around the I-net lately if you haven't noticed the burgeoning number of
micro collectors. Mini and Main -frame collectors are a distinct minority.
 I collect "home" computers. Original IBM's including some "classic" PS/2s as
well as Apples, Ataris, Commodores, and Tandy. WE don't want no "steenking"
minis. I wouldn't turn down a PDP8/e mind you.
 As far as the early IBMs go, I have 2 PCs- one heavily modified, one I'll
leave pristine, the same with 2 XTs, 1 AT- somewhat modified with an EGA board.
and the monitors and KBs (plus spares)that came with them. I've got an Intel
Inboard 386 card, a Plus HardCard, and other goodies on the one PC, things like
6-pack and Quad cards and multi-I/O cards, programs like Multimate, the Gem
version of Ventura Publisher, QDs' Deskmate and many others including a
shrinkwrapped copy of IBM Basic 3.0 and numerous other documentation. I also
admit to a few "special" clones like an original Compaq and unique models of
pre-386 Dos-Boxes. Some CPM boxes, and portables.
 Now possibly you mini drones don't consider that "collecting" but I am
perfectly delighted with my stuff and each new addition. I couldn't care less
about "Big Iron" , but then again I always preferred the Karman-Ghia to the
Cadillac and I'm not from Texas.

ciao larry

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Received on Mon May 17 1999 - 23:46:46 BST

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