At 01:16 AM 5/18/99 -0700, Sellam Ismail wrote:
>He's trying.
For me, one of the most delightful parts of running a small software
business was reading the unsolicited letters. I kept a file folder
of them. One of my favorites was from another East Bloc country that
started out in clear English, slowly began to struggle, and then
finally gave up and switched to their mother tongue.
For a while, every few weeks we'd get a letter from Mosul, Iraq,
each more creative than the last. Some were written in crayon, some
pencil, some on paper with inch-tall lines, some block-printed with
a rubber-stamp kit. Eventually, I guessed it was a young kid who'd
regularly raid his dad's supply of stamps and envelopes.
- John
Received on Tue May 18 1999 - 08:01:48 BST
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