I had a great time looking through the flea market area at Dayton. There was
not a lot of stuff there that I was interested, and I found out why. David
Hale, who was also at VCF last year, had gone though and cleaned out the
area. He got some *really* great finds including the Heathkit EC-1. The only
thing I saw there of any interest was a 1983 Nada (?) microprocessor
training kit including manuals for $75. My price range was $25 or so, and
his best was $50 so he still has it :). Things I saw but wasn't interested
in include a Heathkit H-19, Kaypro II, Heathkit breadboard unit, a bunch of
Commodore stuff, and a Z-100 with manuals. Good think I didn't go there only
for the flea market!
BTW, David had a really great idea; he bought a spot that served as a center
of operations, and had a yellow sign on top of his van saying Antique
Computers Wanted or somthing to that affect.
Received on Wed May 19 1999 - 10:49:18 BST
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