What's a "computer console" selectric called?

From: Lawrence Walker <lwalker_at_mail.interlog.com>
Date: Mon May 24 19:19:49 1999

On 24 May 99 at 13:34, Gary Oliver wrote:

> Back in the days before "glass" consoles, computers often (if
> they had them) used typewriter devices as console input and
> output stations. Many minicomputers used Teletypes, but Control
> Data used (believe it or not) IBM Selectric typewriters.
> (You can bet THAT stuck in someone's craw...) This was the case
> on the "lower 3000" line (3150, 3200, 3300, 3500) and I believe
> it was the case on the sister line of "upper 3000" (3600, 3800)
> systems as well.
> On the 3300 system, the console typewriter was a "drop in" unit
> with a small number of cables connecting it to the system. It
> dropped into a well on the console operators station and sat in
> this well on little rubber feet. Think of a "modern" Selectric
> with the top of it's case only; the lower part of the case was
> omitted and surrounded by the "well" it sat in.
> For a "vintage-like" construction project, I'm trying to locate
> an example of this console device. It needs to be working (or
> repairable.) The choice of type font is unimportant at this
> point.
> I've considered picking up one of the inexpensive Selectric
> or Selectric-II typewriters (don't need no stupid correction
> mechanism) and "converting" it to operate as said console device.
> However, I helped a guy do this conversion once (many odd years
> ago) and it wasn't pretty then and doubt it would be pretty now.
> And the conversion didn't cover the "input" side of the equation
> at all. It was just a printer.
> Does anyone know where I can get a unit such as this? If any
> of you have such a thing, I would be interested in purchasing
> and/or trading.
> Contact me offline if you want to arrange a deal.
> If any of you have pointers to places selling these sort
> of things, please let me know. I've mined all my usual surplus
> haunts and have searched the net considerably but have yet to
> come up with anything "right."
> Thanks,
> Gary
 If you can get ahold of a copy of Don Lancasters "TV-Typewriter
Cookbook" it has the conversion process. I believe he also has a
web-page which might possibly have something on this. ISTR that
it was also documented in Byte magazine.

ciao larry

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Received on Mon May 24 1999 - 19:19:49 BST

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