On 27 May 99 at 0:46, Jim Strickland wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know where I can find a working Commodore 64GS system? I've been
> > looking for the last two years with no luck. Please e-mail me if you know
> > where I can purchase one. Thanks,
> >
> > Bob
> >
> A what? um, I can see three possibilities of what you're thinking of.
> 1. A commodore 64
> 2. A commodore 128
> 3. An Apple2 GS.
> to the best of my knowledge there was never a Commodore 64 GS. I'm betting
> you're looking for the 128 model that had the seperate keyboard.
> --
> Jim Strickland
> jim_at_DIESPAMMERSCUMcalico.litterbox.com
There was also an 8-bit AtariXE GS
ciao larry
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Received on Wed May 26 1999 - 23:32:19 BST