Upon the date 09:22 AM 5/27/99 -0400, Charles E. Fox said something like:
-- snip --
> In my opinion you are doing the right thing in just formatting the HD. If
>too much noise is made about this problem the word will get around and
>people will destroy their discarded computers rather than let them get into
>the hands of collecters.
Agreed. Paranoia on a poor news day seems to get the press' yellow
journalism mode switched on.
> In some cases users don't know how to scrub the hard drive, and in others
>the computer has gone down and they can't erase it without going to some
> Possibly somebody (Sam?) could come up with a "Computer Collector's Code
>of Ethics" which would include erasing any confidential material on
>acquired computers.
Hasn't something like this been written in the ClassicCmp FAQ from the
ClassicCmp originator, Bill Whitson? (now where the heck did I file that
FAQ? It's been so dang long ago that I'd seen it . . .)
Also, Sam just referred us to go see Uncle Roger's Classic Computer
Collector's Code of Conduct at:
This is a fine code which Roger had come up with sometime ago. We should
closely adhere to it as our personal policy.
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Thu May 27 1999 - 09:49:57 BST