confidential info on old harddrives.

From: <(>
Date: Fri May 28 07:24:18 1999

> file as a logical device, then FORMAT or INIT it, or do a COPY/DEV
> to it...

Use PIP to do a absolute block addressed copy. I think it's :n or :I
and your can then move known clear blocks to anywhere on the disk. I've
used that to create files that were readable under CPM without a utility
to do that.

If you have to do that alot under RT-11 make up a disk with files that
contain nothingg (fresh disk) but use the entire surface and then image
copy it. Me I just format (LLF) after a bulk erase on the s100 crate.

If memory serve it's analogous of the DD or useding a raw block device
under unix.

Received on Fri May 28 1999 - 07:24:18 BST

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