RCA 1861, NTSC and a DEC VR-201 (Mea Culpa!)

From: Mark Tapley <mtapley_at_swri.edu>
Date: Fri Oct 1 09:21:32 1999

I blathered:
>> 1 Black 1e0 First 2 digits give mantissa,
>> 2 Brown 1e1 3rd digit gives exponent,

Philip Belben corrected:
>Ouch! No, black is zero, brown is one, up to white which is nine.

*Thank You, Philip*! I guess it just proves that it takes more than a copy
of Horowitz & Hill (who got it right) - one must also be *literate* to play
an EE...
The table I typed in was rotated by one digit. Ouch is right. Sorry about
that! And right on the heels of Mars Climate Meteorite, too....those who
don't study history and all that, I guess...
                                        - Mark
Received on Fri Oct 01 1999 - 09:21:32 BST

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