OT?: Ergo "Moby Brick"

From: Doug Spence <hrothgar_at_total.net>
Date: Sat Oct 2 16:11:47 1999

One of the other recycled computer places I went to yesterday had an
interesting non-classic PC. It was a small, heavy, metal thing, with a
marbled paintjob, called a "Moby Brick". 486-DX25. It had a matching
marbled keyboard. Really cute. I would have taken it home with me had
it not been missing the external power supply, or if they hadn't wanted
$40 for it. (For a cute doorstop, maybe I'd pay $25-$30, but not $40.
At least not until I regret leaving it behind and go back for it. :) )

Anyway, I think this machine might be a future collectable. There are
so few modern machines with anything interesting about them, that I
think that unusual case designs might be the only thing to look forward

Other than the BeBox and wierd Atari ST and Amiga clones, anyway. :)

Doug Spence               Hrothgar's Cool Old Junk Page:
hrothgar_at_total.net        http://www.total.net/~hrothgar/museum/
Received on Sat Oct 02 1999 - 16:11:47 BST

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