In a message dated 10/1/99 3:59:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> >My bulletin board system has over 4 gigs of classic computer games. They
> >all games that haven't been sold since 1993. I also have the really old
> >versions. I know it is illegal to have pirated games and software, but
> >is stuff that you just can't find or buy ANYWHERE and there is no
> commercial
> >demand for such programs.
> Which means it would be a real shame to lose it all, so PLEASE matey, be
> discrete with access. For an object lesson in what a mess it can be take a
> look at Jagshouse (former old mac site, still alive, but minus software
> barely).
thankfully, i was able to grab all the goodies from jags house before it was
changed. now, i just need a zip drive power supply...
DB Young Team OS/2
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Received on Sat Oct 02 1999 - 22:05:48 BST