--- CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com wrote:
> Ethan Dicks wrote:
> >I did spot the obvious format switch on the front of the disk unit, but no
> >idea how to use it. I now wish that I'd picked up a couple more boxes of
> >media from a friend's business about eight years ago.
> What part of the world are you in, Ethan?
For the moment, Ohio, but occasionally from various points in the Southern
> Here in North America, new 8" floppies (preformatted, even) are readily
> available from a number of sources.
I know they are available for enough money. I was lamenting the fact that I
could have picked up a bootload for nothing and never had to buy another disk
again. I have a case of formatted disks and several cases of used disks with
data files from schools and at least one university lab that I can reformat
and test.
Mostly, I want to be able to extract the data *from* the floppies, not put
more data *on* them. I hope to stuff an 8" drive from my DataRam Q22 box
on an old 486 for data recovery, then back up my crate of PDP-8 and PDP-11
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Received on Mon Oct 04 1999 - 14:04:56 BST