Hi, folks,
First, the important stuff. I was over at HSC Electronics (one of the Bay
Area's surplus places) last Friday (just before VCF), and I found that they
had carted out a whole bin full of Vector extender cards and prototype
boards, all marked at 75% off original price.
More specifically, their assortment of extenders included ones for
S-100, Apple II, MicroChannel (PS/2), and other vintage gear. I was quoted
$40 for a MicroChannel extender in decent shape, and I really doubt the
others would be any more expensive.
The store's web site, containing their address, hours, and contact info,
is at
-=-=-=- <break> -=-=-
Now, with that out of the way... VCF was fun this year! There are only
three things that I thought could have been done better.
1). If a person had pre-registered for both days, mark as much on the
badge/tag/whatever. Don't require that they stand in line to re-register
the following day.
2). Real badge holders/badges for all concerned would have been nice.
Perhaps make those of the exhibitors and attendees different colors so the
ushers can tell at a glance who's going to be going where.
3). POST THE OPERATING HOURS on the signs next to the registration table.
I had completely forgotten what time the whole thing was supposed to start
and end, and I had practically no access to the 'net during my trip to
check the VCF web site.
Other than that, I enjoyed it, though I had other business to tend to, and
as a result was only there for a chunk of Saturday. I'd like to hear how
the tour of the computer museum went.
I'll see the lot of you next year, hopefully.
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
http://www.bluefeathertech.com // E-mail: kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com
Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our
own human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Mon Oct 04 1999 - 18:20:04 BST