Autologic APS5-1

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Wed Oct 6 16:42:23 1999

> These are large phototypesetting machines of the first or second generation.
> Autologic designed most of their own boards but sometimes OEMed CPUs. It
> would be wise to check the CPU cabinet. Also check to see if the paper tape
> reader is a punch also.
> If it is working it could be a museum piece. I bet there are few left.

As far as I know, it was working before being powered down. If this
is a museum piece, could someone affiliated with a museum please come
forth soon before this machine is scrapped, which could occur as soon
as this weekend if no one claims it. If a museum is actually
interested in it, I'm sure that arrangements can be made to hold it a
short while longer until its removal and transport can be arranged.

R. D. Davis                                         Be careful what you wish for --- you           may get your wish ...and it might not
Tel: (410) 744-4900                    be what you were expecting.
Received on Wed Oct 06 1999 - 16:42:23 BST

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