Site update and Compaq 486

From: Joe <>
Date: Thu Oct 7 10:09:11 1999

At 02:19 AM 10/7/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi Classic Collectors, this is only slightly on-topic but covers many
>products over 10 years old. The Amiga Interactive Guide website has been
>updated. There are new photos of the original Lorraine, Atari 2600 games,
>unreleased machines, and some other major additions. The address is
>Just to legitmise this email with some semi-Classic discussion, how much
>would the base unit of Compaq 486/33m with 8Mb be worth now? A friend is
>interested in buying and I was thinking of a price around ?20. Is this
>reasonable? Remember that this is the base unit ONLY, it doesn't have a
>keyboard, CD-ROM, or monitor.


  I have a Compaq 486/33 with 16Mb that was given to me. Here in the US
they're not worth anything. People are throwing them away.

Received on Thu Oct 07 1999 - 10:09:11 BST

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