Upon the date 12:32 PM 10/7/99 -0400, daniel said something like:
-- snip --
>My worst injuries are:
>RK05 / PDP 11/34 (no help) - bad lower back.
>Honeywell 316 - cyanide poisoning, was in the hospital, wished I was dead
>for a good 4-5 days as my insides were eaten out.
>Honeywell 316 - The scrap dealer (Wayne Borer) that got the unit for me
>brought it to the house when I was rather young. They got the entire case
>(included H316, fixed head DH, interface bays, air conditioner) to end of
>the truck when it started to fall. It fell on his NUTS! 3 guys (including my
>dad) held the case away from killing him. He rolled on the ground for at
>least 30 minutes in extreme pain. He never did have any kids after that.
>Honeywell 316 - Rack mounted on a flimbsy case, fell over one night and
>badly damaged the headboard on my bed. (kept it in my bedroom)
Sounds like that 316 did NOT want to live with you! What's that cyanide
bit? Was it some sort of varmint poison spread around inside the cabinet or
was it something used in the machine itself? If used with the machine, I
can't possibly think what for . . .
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Thu Oct 07 1999 - 13:20:12 BST