SGI Hardware Developer Handbooks available

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Thu Oct 7 17:44:44 1999

Hi, John.

On Oct 7, 12:53, John Foust wrote:
> Subject: SGI Hardware Developer Handbooks available
> I've got two of these available at no charge to anyone who wants them.
> They describe the pin-outs, etc. of the internal and external connectors
> of the SGI line from the 4D through the rest of the line up to about
> They're about an inch thick, spiral-bound.

My goodness, I'd *kill* for one of those! I've been wanting to build a
board for an Indy for ages (I could do it for an R3000 Indogo instead,
though, if the book doesn't go that "new")... The only problem is, I'm in
the UK. Could you send one if I sent you a few dollar bills to cover US
Postal Service "Global Priority Flat Rate Envelope"?

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Thu Oct 07 1999 - 17:44:44 BST

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