Since it appears no one can rescue the CDC 9766 drives, I've begun
stripping some bits from one of them (removed one board set already)
and am preparing to remove the PSU during lunch or my next break. Now
then, as time may be in somewhat short supply, can anyone give kindly
me any hints for the easiest way to do this? Noticing the screws in
the side of the slide-out rack, I'm wondering if removing the two
screws on each side will remove it. There also appears to be an
air-hose (used to cool the PSU?) that will have to come off. Is there
some way to eaasily just disconnect the sliding mechanism without
removing the screws? It also looks as though there's some sort of
braided wire (wires?) going into the PSU with no connector that can be
disconencted... blast... the one thing I've misplaced was my
wirecutters, which I, hopefully, won't need.
Any other suggestions for removing any other easily removeable bits
(heads, motor?)?
How do I lift the lid on this drive to access the front panel switches
to remove the switches and light-bulbs? (sorry for the unhackish
question, but time's a bit short).
R. D. Davis Be careful what you wish for --- you may get your wish ...and it might not
Tel: (410) 744-4900 be what you were expecting.
Received on Fri Oct 08 1999 - 09:57:10 BST