SGI Hardware Developer Handbooks available

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Fri Oct 8 17:21:48 1999

On Oct 8, 8:46, John Foust wrote:
> > I paid just short of $200.00 for one on eBay about six months ago.
> glad
> >it's paid for itself.
> At first I thought you were pulling my leg. Maybe you are.
> Then I searched eBay.

Well, maybe my reaction was a little OTT, but some of these things are
fairly hard to come by. I'd like the Hardware Handbook for it's content,
but I know others collect things like CDs and T-shirts for other reasons.
 Most such things arn't all that hard to find, though, unless you're
looking for a particular item to complete a "set".

I guess now Acorn Copmputers has been broken up, I could sell all those
teddy bears and sweatshirts to pay for things I really want:-)

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Fri Oct 08 1999 - 17:21:48 BST

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