At 07:56 PM 10/09/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>While trying to make my Sun 4/110 bootable again, I ran into a slight
>problem with Seagate's web page: their documentation for older drives,
>such as the jumper info., is somewhat undecipherable for someone using
>UNIX... perhaps it's readable by MS-DOS/Windows systems, not sure.
>Can anyone kindly tell me which jumpers on the ST4766N and ST41200N
>drives are which? I think both are identical as far as jumpering for
One of the best places to get drive info is (formerly
They just happen to have your drives listed!
(Hey Stan - point the guy in the right direction and let him do the work!)
Lance Costanzo
System Administrator Website and Virtual Domain Hosting starting at $5/month, no setup fees
Received on Sat Oct 09 1999 - 19:20:41 BST