----- Original Message -----
From: LordTyran <a2k_at_one.net>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: Needed / Available
> On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, emanuel stiebler wrote:
> > > Information on a VAXstation 4000 VLC. I've searched long and hard for
> > > info about this machine and have found very little.
> >
> > What do you want to know ?
> >
> > cheers,
> > emanuel
> >
> Basically, everything.
Ups ;-)
> Web searches have been depressingly fruitless,
> yeilding things like the date produced and that's it.
So, you get at least something.
> I need to know how
> to netboot it, use a terminal as the console, and install OpenVMS or BSD
> on it so it can do something useful. Having an actual console wouldn't be
> bad either. Does it use standard SCSI hard disks? What about ethernet?
If you're interested in *BSD, please go to
Subscribe to the port-vax mailinglist. There you get any help, about
netbooting, installing of NetBSD. (but only a diskless install is possible
at this time)
I use one here with OpenVMS on the harddrive, and NetBSD via Netboot.
console: If you dont have the monitor/keyboard/mouse for it, switch the
little switch on the right side of the box ( S3 ) to the "up" position. Then
insert your favourite terminal to the MMJ connector in the rear of the box,
there is a printer sign on it.
try 9600 baud, 8n1. that's it.
monitor: if you try to use a monitor on it, it should be a good one. The
4000/vlc had two different graphic options: 1024x864x8 and 1280x1024x8, the
second needs a 70KHz monitor or better.
memory: up to 24 MByte. You can use standard PS/2 memory modules, but only
the 4 MByte versions. (always pairs, so the memory is 8/16/24 MByte)
disks: standard SCSI.
etehernet: standard AUI port. You need a tranceiver to whatever media you
hope it helps a little, if you have further question, feel free to ask.
Received on Mon Oct 11 1999 - 09:22:13 BST