Tape drive help and/or part needed (Attention DEC-heads!)

From: Daniel A. Seagraves <DSEAGRAV_at_toad.xkl.com>
Date: Tue Oct 12 07:55:24 1999

I either need to find someone who knows what they're doing with a TU77,
or someone who has and can get rid of a TM03 formatter for a TU77 with the
special 18-bit card.

Chris Zach (cz_at_alembic.crystel.com) has the MIT-AI KS10, and wants to run
ITS on it, but his tape drive (A TU77) is screwed up. It generates a
FORMATTER ERROR in the Status register whenever it's on.
He has booted from drives on the same Massbus so that's OK.

Having a real '10 with ITS on the 'net again would be a really good thing.
Does anyone think they can help this guy?
Received on Tue Oct 12 1999 - 07:55:24 BST

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