< ? E 0040 0000.0005
< ? C 0080 0000.4001
< ? 6 00A0 0000.4001
<?? 1 00C0 0011.700E
No disk? or not bootable.
Also, the 3100 is a superset of the Vs2000 so any info on that also applies
Check here:
<Trying to run a test from the >>> prompt doesn't work either.
T 50 doesnt work?
PS: copy of an old message from tim on tests.
From: Tim Shoppa <shoppa_at_alph01.triumf.ca>
Message-Id: <9805241840.AA08441_at_alph01.triumf.ca>
Subject: Re: VS2000 tests and other oddities?
> I was poking around for various test numbers and letters on a VS2000 when
> I came across the most interesting test 90. It obviously has to do with
> stats on the ethernet device, but is there anything else it does?
> I knew about test 70 being an MFM disk formatter, but what's test 71?
> test 70 gives "KA410-A RDRXfmt"
> test 71 gives "KA410-A RDver"
> Then tests 51, 52, and 53 seem to do more than your average bogus test
> which results in "?17 ILL CMD" but at the same time it's not obvious to me
> what it actually is that they do (if anything).
What I reproduce below is from an old DEC SPD on the built-in
diagnostics; I hope it helps. Somewhere here I have the DEC
part number for the "Hardware key" used to enable the less-well-known
PRODUCT NAME: MicroVAX 2000/VAXstation 2000 Diagnostic Package
TEST 0 - Invokes the customer runnable system excerciser. This test
executes a serial string test of all devices in the system.
After serial device testing has completed, a concurrent device test
is executed. The test automatically configures the test based
on the system's hardware configuration and will test all devices
present. This test runs for two test passes and concludes with a
summary table of test results.
TEST 50 - A utility that displays the hardware configuration of
the system. It displays a listing of all functionality present
along with status of each device on the last diagnostic executed.
Additionally, this display identifies the current revision of
firmware in the system as well as the system I.D. number (used as
the system's hardware address when networked).
TEST 51 - Allows the user to define a default boot device for
automatic bootstrapping of the system.
TEST 52 - Allows the user to set default boot flags to be used by the
operating system during boot operations.
TEST 53 - Allows the user to set default recovery action flags used
by the system during power up and also used by the system if an
error is detected with the operating environment.
TEST 54 - Displays a language inquiry menu on the console device
(VAXstation 2000 only) to allow the customer to select the
appropriate keyboard type based on the country keyboard in use.
On MicroVAX 2000, this function is accomplished through the
language set-up utility that is part of the console terminal.
TEST 61 - Sends a full screen of E's to the console monitor display
(VAXstation 2000 only) allowing a quick check of the monitor's
linearity adjustments.
TEST 62 - Sends a full white screen to the console monitor display
(VAXstation 2000 only) allowing a quick check of the monitor's
raster as well as a check of the video controller's display memory.
TEST 70 - Allows the customer to format hard disk drives and RX33
floppy diskettes. RX50 diskettes need not use this utility as they
come pre-formatted. If formatting a non-Digital Equipment
Corporation hard disk drive, this utility goes into a query mode
thus allowing the customer to enter drive parameter data prior to
actually performing the format operation.
Note: Formatting destroys all user data on the disk or diskette
being formatted.
TEST 71 - A disk verifier utility. This utility does a
non-destructive test of hard disk formats to search for new bad
blocks on the media since operating system installation and
identifies any new bad blocks to the customer. This utility is for
use with hard disks only.
TEST 90 - A utility that is used with systems that are connected
in a network configuration. This utility, when invoked, puts the
system in a test mode to provide loopback and system I.D. support
to network level diagnostics run from a host or boot node. Working
in combination with network level excercisers, this utility assists
in verifying the system's network hardware/firmware interface is
correctly functioning.
TEST 80000050 - A utility that displays all system firmware
revision levels by function (i.e. self test, bootstrap code,
console code, etc.).
Part III - Extended Diagnostics/Maintenance Utilities for Digital Equipment
Corporation Field Service Personnel and Licensed Customers
This section describes diagnostic functionality that is proprietary to
the Digital Equipment Corporation Field Service and Support organizations.
series of routines require the use of a special hardware key to invoke and
TEST 60 - A utility that displays a circle/crosshatch pattern on
the console monitor (VAXstation 2000 only). It is used by service
personnel to check/adjust monitor linearity and aspect ratio.
TEST 72 - A utility that writes a special key on scratch floppy
diskettes. After running a floppy diskette through this utility,
the diskette can then be used with the Field Service system
excerciser to do write testing of the floppy diskette subsystem.
Floppy diskettes used with the system excerciser that do not have
this special key written on the media will do a read test only.
TEST 73 - A utility that writes a special key on a scratch TK50
COMPACTape. After running the COMPACTape through this utility,
the cartridge can then be used with the Field Service system
excerciser to do write testing of the TK50 subsystem. Cartridges
used with the system excerciser that do not have this special key
written on the media will do a read test only.
TEST 101 - Executes the Field Service mode system excerciser. This
test excercises each device once sequentially and then
excercises all devices concurrently. This sequence is executed
for two complete passes of all system devices present in the
configuration. Loopback connectors and test media are required to
optimize test coverage with this routine. This test automatically
stops after two complete passes and displays a test summary.
TEST 102 - Executes the Field Service mode system excerciser. It
excercises all devices in the system configuration in the same
sequence as described for Test 101. However, when Test 102 is
invoked, the sequence is repeated continuously until the user
types CONTROL/C at the system console. When CONTROL/C is typed,
the test terminates at the conclusion of the current test
pass and displays a test summary. Note that the user must allow
this test to run for at least two complete passes before typing
TEST 80000106 - Allows the Field Service Engineer to select
individual device tests from the total test used in Test 102
described above. Whichever device tests are enabled and
executed run in a continuous loop until CONTROL/C is
typed at the system console. As with Test 102, the user must
allow this test run for at least two complete passes before
typing CONTROL/C.
Tim. (shoppa_at_triumf.ca)
and more info...
The Seven Sages Project has moved the mirror of the Vax Archive. It will
no longer work if you go to
http://www.sevensages.org/vax/. You must now
go to
http://vaxarchive.sevensages.org/ instead. If enough people
complain, I'll shorten that to vax.sevensages.org. Also, I'll also have
apache point from /vax/ to the new site.
John Havard
Head Geek
The Seven Sages Project
Received on Tue Oct 12 1999 - 22:20:41 BST