On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Roger Merchberger wrote:
> > On or about 09:55 PM 10/12/99 -0400, Allison J Parent was caught in a dark
> > alley speaking these words:
> > >there were plenty of "odd" disk drives and media out there like the
> > >Amstrand 3" and the really old sony 3.5".
> > Don't forget the even odder ones, like Tandy's 2.8", or Zenith's 2.0" 720K
> > disks... I think those 2" disks were higher than 135TPI, I think they were
> > close to 200, but the exact number escapes me...
> Or the 3.25" (NOT hard-shelled) that Dysan bet the company on.
> > Oh, if anyone has one of those Amstrad drives for sale... I remember
> > drooling over those when I was young... I have the ad's in some of my old
> > HotCoCo's (I have the premiere issue around somewhere...) maybe if I get a
> > chance, I'll scan one in...
> Actually, that was AMDEK that sold the 3" subsystem for Coco and for Apple
> ][. Amstrad sold some computers that used 3"
> I am NOT enthusiastic about parting with any of my 3" or 3.25" drives.
> But, ... maybe some trades for 3.9", 2.5", etc.
Aaah! A 3.9" diskette. Is that what those Canon CMD-500's use? Must
be a strange looking diskette judging by the clearance in the drive.
- don
> --
> Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
> XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
> 2210 Sixth St. (510) 644-9366
> Berkeley, CA 94710-2219
Received on Wed Oct 13 1999 - 14:52:23 BST