Please respond to Tim directly at <> if you can help...
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 23:18:45 -0800
>From: Tim Long <astrl3_at_UAA.ALASKA.EDU>
>Subject: Acoustic modems?
>Hi! I am interested in purchasing an acoustic modem, but I have not been
>able to find one anywhere. First, are there any acoustic modems that are
>compatible with modern IBM-clone PCs? Where could I find one? I have
>checked most of the local used computer stores, but all I have gotten have
>been weird facial expressions from the proprietors, usually followed by,
>"No, we haven't had those in YEARS!" Any information you could give me
>would be greatly appreciated.
>Tim Long
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Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Oct 13 1999 - 17:30:36 BST