collectors vs. enthusiasts - I GOT ONE!!!!!

From: Aaron Christopher Finney <>
Date: Wed Oct 13 23:00:17 1999

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, daniel wrote:

> My friend... That is what auctions are all about.. and it's not limited to
> computers.
> When I was 17 I was at the Interhauler Yauht backruptsy auction. They had an
> IBM mainframe and a mini. As the mini was old I was hoping to pick it up for
> $100 (I was a student). I placed a bid of $50. when all of a sudden the
> owner from "Kitchens Construction" thinks the machine can be used and placed
> a bid of $500! I did not have $500 on me.... he was arrogant about the win
> of his auction... smiled at me and left the room. Little did he know the
> next auction was for the DISKPACKS for *his* computer. I bought them for
> $60. I went out to him RIGHT after he won the auction and asked him if he
> won the bid on the computer. He smurked at me and said "Of Course". I told
> him (and I can remember my exact words): "Good, I just bought all the
> software for YOUR computer so I guess you WON'T be using it".
> His face dropped! He looked down and walked over to the auctioneer to
> complain. When he couldn't get his way he came over to me and asked me what
> I was going to do with them. I told him I had a PDP 11 and was going to
> FORMAT the platters and use them on my system. I knew who he was, I let him
> stu all night and called him the next day. He bought the diskpacks without
> the case for $750!

Let me preface by saying that sometimes I am a total asshole for no good

I was at a large auction out in the Valley where they had a good quantity
of Sparc and SGI stuff. I had my eye on a couple of systems, with an
eyewitness report that the previous day had seen SS10/40mhz systems with
monitors going for $300-$500. So the auction winds down and finally comes
around to the one system I'm *most* interested in, a well-configured SS10.
So I start at $ match. Going once...twice...$300. So I go $400. He
goes $500. You get the picture, all the way up to me bidding $1100. Way
more than it should have gone for, but he still bid $1300 and took it.

Looking across the room, I saw him grinning at me and nudging his
adolescent grandson. Irritated and excited from 5 cups of coffee and the
heat of the action, I approached him and asked if he realized that he paid
more than he could have bought the same system elsewhere. Then he said

"My grandson told me it would be a great system to run NT on for my

I gave him my business card and told him to call me the following week if
he wanted to.

When he called, he offered to sell me the whole system for $1000. I
refused. He offered it for $800. I refused. Inane chattering back and
forth. He offered it for $500. I almost agreed, felt the bile rise up in
my mouth again and refused. He asked what I'd be willing to pay and I
offered him $200, telling him that it was what I would have paid for the
system had he not bid on it. He hung up on me...and never called back.
Received on Wed Oct 13 1999 - 23:00:17 BST

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