Further to my efforts to free up some room, a smaller item of possible
A (very) old IMSAI 8080 chassis. Consists of the chassis, IMSAI
backplane, 10amp (point to point wiring) power supply, IMSAI CPU card,
display mask and plexiglass panels. Missing the front panel board, upper
cover, grey switch bezel. (it gave of itself to restore a number of
other machines over the years)
Trades or offers of $$ entertained... (before I give in to the siren call
of ePay... B^} ) For trade suggestions check out the 'Most wanted'
section on the 'Garage' web site.
Have at you!
jimw_at_computergarage.org || jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com
The Computer Garage - http://www.computergarage.org
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
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Received on Fri Oct 15 1999 - 11:28:57 BST