--- daniel <daniel_at_internet.look.ca> wrote:
> >> One of the other interesting items are a M7260/M7261 pair...
> Actually the 11/05 and the 11/10 have two different backplanes (as I have
> both) and the cards are fitted differently in each one. Keep your H214
> memory and G231/G110 core drivers.. The 11/05 uses that for it's own memory.
> The older 11/05 backplane did not use +15V either!
Given where this stuff came from (there's an inventory sticker glued to the
back of one of the CPU boards of the company I rescued it from), that all
makes sense.
> Which CPU boards do you have. It's easy to tell. Does one of them have a
> rotary switch to set the baud rate?
It's not in front of me, but I do rememeber spotting one of those button
rotaries on there and wondering what it was for. I recovnize it as usually
being for baud rate, but I was guessing it was some kind of timing adjustment.
> To get an 11/05 running you need:
To jump in out of turn, IIRC, this particular unit also came to me with
an RX11 controller.
> M7260
> M7261
> G231 X 2
> G110 X 2
> H214 X2
Well... I've only got 16K
> G727 (grant)
I have crates of those, including several "Grantasaurous Rex" cards, the
original third-party double grant card (NPR plus the other three). I should
scan one. For those that haven't seen them, they have no colored handle, but
the PCB is but into a soft-edged T-handle with a dinosaur silkscreened in
red on the "component" side. Somewhere, I still have the original artwork.
Software Results Corp made and shipped one with every COMBOARD(R)
> You don't need a console serial board (M7800) as that was built into the CPU
> board.
I didn't know that. I take it that it uses the standard DL11 cable?
> You can tell the year of the PDP 11/05 CPU set by:
> 74 - if the back of the boards are green (solder masked)
> I have restored many PDP 11/05s for "collectors" - yes, at $875 a pop!
> I have about 5-6 cpu sets, 1 is beta.
> >> Finally, we come to an RK11D board set... M7254 through M7257.
> I have two sets of these and run 8 RK05s, again, restored many of these. You
> need a RK11-D backplane.
I'm not sure I have one of those.
> You can hand wire one (yes I know many who have for UNIBUS operation
I can probably come up with the goodies to do that. I have the remnants
of a PDP-8/L that came as parts with the first one I got... the chassis was
broken (mounting bar in the front), the front panel scavenged, no core and
obviously broken wires on the backplane. I wish I hadn't now, but I did
remove the remaining wires from the backplane (one at a time, documenting
them because it was the only way at the time to try and understand how the
other one worked). The end result is that I have a set of DEC backplane
blocks I could wire into a different configuration. I recycled the stamped
metal bus strips on a couple segments into the upper address bits on a BA11N
way back. DEC used to sell that stuff by the foot. I'd love to get a spool
of it (Ha!)
> The best backplane I have is from someone who completely modified a PDP
> 11/05 (16K backplane).He took out the second core memory set and completely
> hand wired the RK11-D on it. Yikes. It works and I still have the plane if
> you are interested in the wire list to do that.
Wow. Much work. I'll get back to you if I can't find an RK11D backplane.
> The PDP 11/05 needs AClow, DClow,5V, -15V.
> The newer ones required +15V.
Muchas Gracias.
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Received on Sun Oct 17 1999 - 13:02:20 BST