PS/2 Model 50 help wanted

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Sun Oct 17 18:09:25 1999

Bruce Lane wrote:

> Hard to tell without seeing the controller, or knowing what flat cables
> are coming off it. IBM was quite fond of using a proprietary and
> oddly-wired interface that, apparently, only IBM drives could plug into.

Drives marked with a TYPE number were MFM and only 20 and 30 mb generally. The others
(mostly 50Z's) were ESDI and no type number since they auto-config with the host

> >2) Can the machine accept 2.88Mb drives (this one is purely out of interest)?
> That will take a wiser head than mine to answer. I know the model 85's and
> 95's can, but I'm not sure about the older systems.

56's, 57's, 90's, 85's and some others come with them. 80's can use them. Not sure if
the 286 crowd could but now I need to try it out.
Received on Sun Oct 17 1999 - 18:09:25 BST

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