EBaying; howling after an auction

From: pbboy <pbboy_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Mon Oct 18 12:23:56 1999

There are programs written specifically for ebay that do your bidding for you,
not proxy bidding like ebay has but sniping programs. you can configure it to
place your bid at say 5 seconds before the auction ends, placing the bid only
high enough to win the auction. Someone on this list complained that he was
outbid by only $.01, the winner was most likely using one of these programs.


Mike Ford wrote:

> >About a week ago I put a bid on a Micro PDP-11/23 on ebay. I was top
> >bidder until the end. Of course the end was when I was asleep (3 AM)
> The bidding doesn't start until the end on most items. I prefer not to bid
> at all until the end so I don't "show my hand" on higher priced items.
> Either bid at the end, and I mean well within the last minute if not the
> last 10 seconds or so, or bid the full amount you are willing to pay for
> the item.
Received on Mon Oct 18 1999 - 12:23:56 BST

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