Megan wrote:
[stuff deleted]
> The reason sniping is done is to get a bid in such that the others
> bidding don't have a chance to get in another bid. If the auction
> was extended by as litle as five minutes beyond the last top bid,
> you wouldn't stop sniping, but you would prevent people from playing
> the game just mentioned... there would always (so long as you were
> at a terminal) be time to bid again.
A more interesting approach would be to simply introduce uncertainty
on the order of plus or minus some number of minutes into the
auction end time. That would at least make sniping a bit more
sporting ;-)
Still not too sure what this thread has to do with boatanchors...
Chris Kennedy Commercial ASMEL/Instrument, AGI
PGP fingerprint: 4E99 10B6 7253 B048 6685 6CBC 55E1 20A3 108D AB97
"Just your typical airplane flying, beer brewing, car collecting
Nova enthusiast"
Received on Mon Oct 18 1999 - 20:27:26 BST