Roger Merchberger wrote:
> Rumor has it that Chris Kennedy may have mentioned these words:
> >"Just your typical airplane flying, beer brewing, car collecting
> > Nova enthusiast"
Mea culpa
> Beer brewing, eh? ;-)
You betcha :-). In fact, there's a bit of a boatanchor-brewing conflict
taking place in the garage just now in that I've got 70-odd pounds of
grain just waiting for a marathon mashing session but I can't get to
the grain mill or the mash tuns because of a bunch of HP gear that
(finally -- LTL shipping I've learned is somewhat nondeterministic)
materialized two days ago. Two identical SMP 9000/800 I70 systems, each
in two one-meter racks plus two six-foot racks stuffed with comm gear
(anyone want some rack mounted Hayes v.34 faxmodems?) and the biggest damn
lineprinter I've ever seen. Not at all sure what to do with any of it.
A moral dilemma if there ever was: do I move the HP gear to storage
so I can brew, move the HP gear and the brewing gear so I can park
more cars inside before winter hits, or just give up and construct
a building to hold all this cra -er- valuable stuff? (note that I've
not included my wife's prefered alternative: "get rid of it").
Chris Kennedy
PGP fingerprint: 4E99 10B6 7253 B048 6685 6CBC 55E1 20A3 108D AB97
"Just a case of DeCastro lightening" - Al Robb on the Keronix fire.
Received on Mon Oct 18 1999 - 21:39:32 BST