Approaching Scrappers

From: Christian Fandt <>
Date: Tue Oct 19 09:20:01 1999

Upon the date 06:25 AM 10/19/99 -0400, Randy Kaplan said something like:
>Hello to all -
>Has anyone used/approached scrappers as a source of collection? If so,
>what has been your experience? How do you approach these guys?

Golly Randy! You must me sort of new here :-) There was an interesting
thread or two a couple weeks back just on this. Check one or two of the two
ClassicCmp list archives. One's at and check thru the article
list for 1999-10 or maybe 1999-09 (what the heck was that thread's name

The other list is at the list owner's server at U. of Wash. via Gopher:
 '9910' indicates 10th month of '99, '9909' is 9th month, etc. Starts at 9703.

Lot's of important technical info in many of the archived threads (plus
lot's of chatter littered around too).

Welcome to the list!

Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
        Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Tue Oct 19 1999 - 09:20:01 BST

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