I'm looking for a diablo 31 or 33 drive (the 31 was the one with
the door, the 33 is the one that you have to rip apart to get
your pack out). I'm also looking for a Decision 3150 controller
for same.
While I'm wishing for the impossible, I might as well add the
other (current) items on my wish-list:
EDS mux boards for the Nova bus
An Eclipse S/200
An Eclipse S/130
A paper tape reader. Hell, I'd be happy with an ASR 33 at this point.
And in the only-in-my-dreams category:
An original ("baby") nova or supernova
An Eclipse S/230
Of course, if it's a 16 bit DG machine, something that plugs into
same or something that just looks good sitting next to it I'm
interested. Cash, trades or body parts.
Chris Kennedy
chris_at_mainecoon.com chris_at_dtiinc.com
http://www.mainecoon.com http://www.dtiinc.com
Received on Tue Oct 19 1999 - 20:24:57 BST