Designs (was Re: OT: how big would it be?)

From: <(>
Date: Wed Oct 20 13:56:45 1999

>> Is it true that the first CPU-on-a-single-board was the DG Nova?
>> (And it's a rather largish board, at that! Almost equivalent in
>> area to all the boards in the PDP-8/E CPU put together...)

>I'm not sure. The Nova certainly used large boards - 15" * 15"
>- and while the original nova (and I believe supernova) and
>nova 1200 got by with just one, it the 800 family used two of
>those huge things. Since mechanical engineering was never a
>strong suit at DG it's generally accepted to use a rubber mallet
>or wooden drift to seat those boards into the backplane...

And some of the later DG Nova-descended CPU's (for example, the S/230)
packed an amazing amount of parts on those huge boards!

Were you the one who posted looking for an S/130, Chris? Hate to tell
you this, but I had a half-dozen of 'em two years ago - if you'd only
been reading then!

 Tim Shoppa                        Email:
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Wed Oct 20 1999 - 13:56:45 BST

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