Deciphering M792-YB "ROM Diode Matrix" PDP-11 bootstrap

From: Kevin Schoedel <>
Date: Thu Oct 21 12:19:00 1999

In article <>, Ethan Dicks <> wrote:
>In my ongoing excavations, I've located an orphan board that I would like to
>return to its nest. It's a diode-strapped boot card, M792-YB. The pattern
>looks like this...
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>- o o o o o - - - - - o - o o o 0

>The question is, What's a one and what's a
>zero? Left-to-right? I don't have an -11
>frontpanel or handbook in front of me; is
>bit 0 the MSB?

Looks like only diode=1, right=MSB produces plausible code.

>Any hints? Worst case, I could translate all permutations of the bits
>into octal and figure out what produces the most legible bitstream,

That's what I did :-) Tiny script using Supnik's emulator.

>The eventual goal is to disassemble the bootstrap, thus revealing what
>device it is for.

0: MOV _at_#177570,R1
6: MOV R1,R0
10: MOV #177400,(R0)
14: CMP R0,#177344
20: BNE 40
22: MOV #4002,-(R0)
26: TST (R0)
30: BPL 26
32: TST -(R0)
34: BPL 4
36: CMP (R0)+,(R0)+
40: MOV #5,-(R0)
44: TSTB (R0)
46: BPL 44
50: TST (R0)
52: BMI 4
54: CLRB (R0)
56: JMP _at_#0
62: WAIT

Kevin Schoedel
Received on Thu Oct 21 1999 - 12:19:00 BST

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