--- Kevin Schoedel <schoedel_at_kw.igs.net> wrote:
> In article <19991021163116.17429.rocketmail_at_web604.mail.yahoo.com>, Ethan
> Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> >In my ongoing excavations, I've located a ... M792-YB. The pattern
> Looks like only diode=1, right=MSB produces plausible code.
> That's what I did :-) Tiny script using Supnik's emulator.
Cool idea. I was going to do it the hard way.
> >The eventual goal is to disassemble the bootstrap...
> 0: MOV _at_#177570,R1
> 10: MOV #177400,(R0)
> 14: CMP R0,#177344
Thanks, Kevin. Your enthusiastic efforts have saved me quite a bit of
time. The code looks OK, suggesting that I didn't post any typos, but
the possibility exists.
I only recognize (by octal address) certain, common disk interfaces (RL11,
RK611, etc.) Can anyone suggest what this might be a bootstrap to?
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Received on Thu Oct 21 1999 - 13:51:43 BST