>With machines like this there is a saying, "If you need to ask....".
>Basically it's a large machine, larger than a 19" rack (only about 4.5-5
>feet tall though). IIRC, the power requirements aren't that bad, you
>should be able to run it off a dryer circuit (as long as the dryer isn't in
>use), and it's single phase.
Hmm - I know that lower-numbered 6000 CPU's had three-phase 208V
power supplies. At what point did they go back to single phase?
Not that a three-phase power requirement on a 6000 is a killer - they
actually don't suck very much current, so a electronic phase converter
on a dryer circuit is a *very* reasonable approach.
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology WWW: http://www.trailing-edge.com/
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
Received on Sun Oct 24 1999 - 07:03:28 BST