>I've got a fair number of ST41201J SMD drives (1.2G) in System Industries
>carriers in Milpitas (near San Jose); if anyone needs them we can work out
>a trade.
>I've recently learned that there are different flavors of SMD. The
>high-transfer rate drives use the SMD-E interface, which uses differential
>ECL transceivers for the data and clock on the radial interface, vs.
>TTL-compatible stuff on the earlier drives.
I thought all SMD interface drives used differential ECL signals on the
radial cables...
>I'm hoping to use some of these on a system that was originally set up for
>Fujitsu Eagles (M2351), but I haven't found any online reference that
>indicates the data transfer rate or geometry of the Eagle, or whether
>it uses SMD-E.
A very good source of SMD drive geometry information is the "Sun
format.dat" file that's been floating around the net for the past
15 years or so.
The Eagle is 842 Cylinders, 20 Heads, and (assuming 512 bytes/sector)
49 or 50 sectors per track. The data rate is 15 MHz. Is this
what you needed to know? I have manuals for most of the Fuji drives.
Incidentally, the Fuji Eagle manual is titled "M2351A/AF Mini-Disk
Drive Customer Engineering Manual". Most weenies today wouldn't call
a drive that weighed over 100 pounds "Mini", but they don't know what
they're talking about!
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology WWW: http://www.trailing-edge.com/
7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
Received on Sun Oct 24 1999 - 21:00:01 BST