gauging interest in VAX 6000-530

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Mon Oct 25 02:52:39 1999

Mike wrote (about VAX 7000 systems):
> That's fascinating. Take obsolete hardware and architecture (vax), and
> keep them running! I guess I will never cease to be amazed at the weird

Dave McGuire <> replied:
> Obsolete hardware? Are you aware that they're still being made? Systems
> based on CURRENT technology, using CURRENT production techniques.

False. It's neither current technology nor current production techniques.
DEC hasn't developed a new VAX chip since the NVAX+ in 1992. It's seven
years out of date already.

Of course, that doesn't mean that it isn't still useful. But it's a
legacy system, not state of the art.
Received on Mon Oct 25 1999 - 02:52:39 BST

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