Solaris Pentium vs. Solaris Sparc

From: Bill Pechter <>
Date: Mon Oct 25 08:53:02 1999

> The problem is that I can't attach equivalent hardware.
> Given the choice between deploying Solaris on an x86 or a sparc I'll take
> the x86 90+% of the time -- on the desktop the price-performance is tough
> to beat. However, there's
> simply no way that I can do it for anything that requires shuffling around
> large amounts of data. I can't get a PC that has enough aggregate bandwidth;
> an Enterprise machine will smoke the PC's doors off despite the fact that the
> PC is clocking hundreds of Mhz faster (aside: does anyone know offhand what
> the typical CPI is for the Ppro, PII and PIII?). Again, that's not a
> commentary on the processor, it's a commentary on the overall architecture.
> A Sequent, for example, has a far better architecture than any PC I can buy.
> I run Solaris on Ppros, PIIs and Sparcs, Linux on PIIIs and OpenBSD on Sparcs.
> The PCs are less reliable than the sparcs, but even then they're far more
> reliable than anything from the late 70's. If we look at contemporaries, my
> fuzzy recollection is that the 785 I was using was generally a hell of a lot
> more reliable than the PC/AT I was using at the time -- and the 785 cranked
> a hell of a lot harder than the AT did.
> Cheers,
> Chris

Having played around with equivalent 486-66's and SparcII's (properly
configured) I'd say Solaris works better on Sparc.

I'm not sure that I'd pick the Sparc over PC using the a different OS (say,
OpenBSD or Linux).

The PC's are often less reliable because of cheap non-parity memory,
badly designed cheap IDE disks and such.

(I've run 6 years of FreeBSD on PC's with only two hardware related
failures -- 486/33 motherboard and one Adaptec 2740 -- the later due to
me mis-plugging the SCSI connector and bending and shorting a controller
pin.) My SparcII's and 10's at work don't do as well and I've already
been through one Ultra's motherboard.

My new home box is a K6-2 450 on an FIC 503+ motherboard with dual
SCSI Fast Wide Symbios controllers. Damn thing feels as solid and
quick as the 8650 Vax (but I miss the RT11 front end).

Now if FreeVMS would be available in addition to the mix of
DOS/Win31/OS2/FreeBSD/Linux/Win2000 that I'm loading I'd be happy.

Your mileage may vary....

      Three things never anger: First, the one who runs your DEC,
      The one who does Field Service and the one who signs your check.
Received on Mon Oct 25 1999 - 08:53:02 BST

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