Reliable PCBs at home

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Mon Oct 25 16:27:17 1999

On Oct 24, 21:48, Marvin wrote:
> Richard Erlacher wrote:

> > Has any of you ever encountered an approach to this that could be
managed in
> > the home environment with equipment costing, nominally, less that a
> > or two and achieving nominally 10-mil traces with 8-10 mil separation
> > anything close to that? How about a dry-film solder mask?

> Doing the process at home can be done with a minimum of equipment if
> shops are used for parts of the process. A small copper plating tank,
> tin-lead tank, and peroxide-sulfuric etchant along with fusing oil and
> can be set up at home for probably a couple hundred dollars. To set up a
> fairly complete shop including drilling and imaging would probably cost
> between 2K and 3K. This would provide the capabilities of producing
> reasonably high quality boards. Oh, did I forget to mention getting the
> experience to know how to do it :)?

I've never done the full process Marvin describes at home, but there's a
commercial website that has quite a lot of useful information. Eniough to
encourag me to try it "one day":

(If you're like me, and keep that Java(script) stuff turned off, turn it on
for this site, as the menus need it).

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Mon Oct 25 1999 - 16:27:17 BST

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