I have already contacted the writer about disks, but can anyone help
her on the cable and other information?
- don
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From: mdalene_at_pinkrose.ctol.net (B'ichela)
Newsgroups: comp.os.cpm,comp.terminals
Subject: vt180 boot disk,manual and floppy cable needed
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 01:31:45 -0400
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Summary: Need manual, floppy boot, and floppy cable for vt180
Keywords: vt180, floppy cable, bootdisk, manual
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I found a Vt180 a few weeks ago at a "good will" in
Willimantic called "Windham Interfaith Ministry" or WAIM. as I
originally said I got it to work as a terminal.
What I need is a floppy boot disk for the vt180 and the floppy
cable (DB25 to DB37). I have the Vt180 floppy drive but no cable. I
also need to know how to configure the printer port for my serial
printers. There is no setup C screen on the setup screens. I tried all
of what I felt was reasonable including the setup A/B button, P, C in
addition to p and c as well as shifted Setup A/B and Setup.
Related to this, does anyone got a manual for the Vt180? I
would like to know how to use this with CP/M or whatever OS it uses.
I also need to refine the setup B screen configuration for
best results with my linux system.
This Vt180 has a mild screen allignment problem where a service
manual would be a help for addjusting the video screen. It seems that
the top line of the screen is Bigger than the bottom line of text.
both lines ae fully on the screen, its clearly a cosmetic concern.
If you have this info. please email me at mdalene_at_ctol.net or
post your response here. I will post my address here also for anyone
who just wants to stuff a few manuals/disks via postal
Michele Marie Dalene (B'ichela)
18 Carey Hill Alley, Apt 3A
Willimantic, Ct 06226
A pearl of wisdom from the y2K newsgroups:
Y2K appears to be the Baby Boomers mid-life crisis, and it has the
potential to be a dandy.
-- Anonymnous --
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Received on Tue Oct 26 1999 - 13:58:02 BST