I got a message from someone who tracked me down via some kind of web
search looking for RL02 info. Please contact her directly if anyone
can help. I don't have RT-11 v3B, so I can't check to see if there even
_is_ an RL02 driver for it.
From: bkennedy_at_kcp.com | Block address
To: "Ethan Dicks"
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:42:50 -0500
Subject: RT11 Version 3B RL02 system file
I found your newsgroup in a search for "RL02" on the internet. You
probably think I am nuts. But, the real nuts are those at our company that
refused to upgrade their older RT-11 operating systems and disk drivers
years ago.
So, I am looking for the DL.SYS system file for RT-11 version 3B. They are
having to upgrade their Plesy RK05 disk drives to RL02s due to lack of
replacement parts (they've used old systems to cabbage parts, but there are
no more!). We programmers told them this would happen 10 years ago, but No
..o..o, they wouldn't listen.
Most of us upgraded our PDP-11 systems to RT-11 Version 5.n many years ago,
If you know another place to look for this, let me know.
Bev Kennedy, bkennedy_at_kcp.com
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Received on Tue Oct 26 1999 - 17:34:19 BST