--- At 10:28 AM 10/26/1999 -0700, ss_at_allegro.com wrote: > >My guess: > > The "how to bowl this time" computer...the thing that determined > where to light up the "arrow" that suggested the best way to > make the spare. > >Stan --- The actual name of the unit is the "Sparemaker" computer, but I won't hold that against him. (that being a somewhat industry specific bit of trivia). The smaller chassis latched the information from the pinsetter as to which pins remained standing following the first ball and relayed this information to the larger (computer) chassis which used the information to determine which one of eleven possible colored indicator arrows should be illuminated on the pin display (called the "pindicator" by AMF) to suggest the shot with the best possibility of converting the spare. Once the computation was complete, the solution was relayed back to the smaller chassis (called the "ball path indicator") where it was latched for display, thus freeing up the main computer to service requests from other pinsetters. I thought I had a picture of one in operation, but I can't put my hands on it right at the moment, and it would take sometime to wire the computer up just for this occasion... So, perhaps later... One obvious (to some) shortcoming of the unit is that it always displayed suggestions evaluated for right handed bowlers. There was no left handed option... In the installation/service manual for the unit, the calculation (logic) sequence is detailed in a series of boolean equations. If anyone is curious, I'll either scan the page or scribble them into a future message. --- And now... the identity of this outings infamous 'no prize' (if indeed the lucky winner wishes to claim it!) A slightly (ok, very) used, actual, for real, AMF Bowling Pin! To claim it, drop me a note (off list) with your address. If not claimed, the pin will go back into the random prize pot possibly to reappear in some future quiz. Thanks to all who played - you never know when the next one will pop up! -jim --- jimw_at_computergarage.org The Computer Garage - http://www.computergarage.org Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174Received on Tue Oct 26 1999 - 22:47:39 BST
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