SD CAL computer museum

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Tue Oct 26 23:55:16 1999

--- Don Maslin <> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Mike Ford wrote:
> > I spent the weekend in San Diego...
> > ...One of the docs mentions a larger collection at one of the local
> > colleges in La Mesa. Next time I will try to investigate it further.
> Coleman College, which does nothing but computer training. It is on a
> frontage road on the north side of I-8 on the western outskirts of La
> Mesa.

I was there a year ago. It's got some interesting stuff including kits
built to spec and overbuilt locals. They have one PDP-8/e and no accessories
for it, as an example of somewhat common stuff they don't have in abundance.

Worth the trip if you are in the area. It's an hour or two walkthrough at
the most unless you find something you are *very* fond of staring at.


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Received on Tue Oct 26 1999 - 23:55:16 BST

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