Hi all,
I recently picked up a DEC Correspondent LA-12 printing terminal.
It looks like a little cousin of the DECwriter II, really. Apparently
there were two models available, one with a 300 baud coupling modem,
and one without. I got the one without.
I'm trying to figure out how to configure the dang thing. There's a
"Set Up" key which seems to act like a toggle for going into some
sort of set-up mode, but I'm really just stabbing around in the dark.
I've gotten it to print out its current configuration, but I can't
figure out how to set new values! I'd like to use it as a console
on my VAX, so I'll need to figure out how to do 9600 baud 8-N-1.
Right now it's set up at 9600/1200 7-E-1 for some strange reason.
Does anyone have documentation on this beast? The Universal Database
(aka the Internet) has been of little use on this one, that I've found.
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a secret 12th century alchemy manuscript. this is | sethm_at_loomcom.com
the real thing!!!" -- An online auction (really!) | Perth ==> *
Received on Wed Oct 27 1999 - 11:12:51 BST