Remember a while back I posted about a company in Richardson, Texas, with
a bounty of crap to give away? Well, they still have it and they are more
desperate than ever to get rid of it. Last time I posted a list of stuff.
I'm posting that list again, but the list has grown (and I don't know
what's been added).
To get in on this, simply send e-mail to David Albright at
<> and work out the details with him. I'm sure
they will not be interested in shipping anything unless you are willing to
compensate them well for their time (this is a business that is not very
interested in becoming a vintage computer vendor). It would be best if
you could actually go to their business to pick the stuff up.
Please respond directly to David Albright <>.
Here is the list:
Texas Instruments 1500 (1 bay)
Archive tape drive
8-port TI hub
Texas Instruments 1500 (8 bay)
Archive tape drive
8-port TI hub
Texas Instruments 300 Business System Terminal
Texas Instruments Business System 300 (blows fuse after a minute)
IBM PC/XT w/System/36 interface board
IBM PC monochrome display
IBM System/36 Desktop (Type 5364)
ADP PC/AT (no P/S)
ADP MAX 8500 (dead)
Archive tape drive
(2) 4-port networking hubs
Motorola SYS3304NY151
Archive tape drive
Texas Instruments System 1000
Archive 150MB tape drive
TI System V Xemix 386 by SCO
Texas Instruments System 1000
(3) NEC N4810II modem
(2) Racal-Vadic VA212 audto-dial modem, AC adapter, cables, manuals
DIS System 36 (bad hard drive)
IBM monitor
CITOH 8510 printer
Texas Instruments Omni 800 printer
Sperry IT (PC/AT with SCO Xenix)
Unisys color monitor
The company wants to ditch this stuff soon so act fast or else it might be
Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
VCF East? VCF Europe!? YOU BETCHA!!
Stay tuned for more information
or contact me to find out how you can participate
Received on Thu Oct 28 1999 - 19:13:20 BST