HP9845B - Monitor?

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Fri Oct 29 08:58:57 1999

Hi Phil,

  I have three 9845Bs and to put it bluntly, you're screwed! There's no
way to connect another monitor to the 9845 that I know of. The monitors
are one of the weak points in the 9845s. They have a nasty habit of going
up in smoke (literally!) I've been looking for a 9845C (color version) for
over two years and only found two of them. The monitors on both of them
caught fire and burnt up! Your best bet is to hold unto the 9845 and hope
that you can find another one that has a working monitor.

  E-mail if you have more questions. I do have a pile of manuals and
software for the 9845s.

   Oviedo, Florida.

At 09:20 PM 10/29/99 +1000, you wrote:
>I've just been given a HP9845B. But I was told the monitor had long ago
>been broken and thrown away.
>There was a brief discussion on the list about this last giant HP desktop
>calculator/computer back in March and April this year. There is still almost
>nothing useful I can find on the web about it.
>The monitor appears to connect to the body by two combined
>mechanical/electrical connectors, sort of "monitor leg bases", protruding
>from the top of the case. The rest of the unit appears to be in good shape.
>I have to clean it and check it out before trying to apply power, but is
>there any other way of getting a monitor output from this thing, other than
>from its own monitor - I suspect it will be hard to find another one of
>those? The only other thing I have for it is a HPIB connector cable.
>Any other hints appreciated.
>I never expected to find one of these, but it was high on my wanted list. I
>clearly remember going to a presentation by HP at the University I was
>working at in 1979 or 1980 where one of these was the star attraction, and I
>still have the brochure for the 9845 from that day. Now for the 9815..25..35
>Brisbane, Australia.
Received on Fri Oct 29 1999 - 08:58:57 BST

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