Upon the date 08:18 AM 10/29/99 -0700, Ethan Dicks said something like:
>--- John B <dylanb_at_sympatico.ca> wrote:
>I wrote:
>> >I used to work there. I *can't* get the cool stuff out.
>> You have to pay something for the equipment.. more than the scrappers.
>No... I mean I _can't_ get it out. I would have to bid for *all* scrap from
>a plant the size of 22 football fields. They are a large company with a
>large company mentality: all or nothing. Rules are rules. etc, etc.
>They don't part this stuff out by lots, they bid out all the work to one
>company (whose name I've never been able to learn or I'd just go right to
Yep. That would be a bit much for you to bid upon Ethan . . .
Hmmm, finding the scrap contractor sounds like a lead. I assume you now
don't have any good aquaintances still working anywhere in that Lucent
plant otherwise you probably would have mentioned doing some investigation
thru them. But what about looking outside the company? Do you know any kind
of scrappers who could be informed of Scrap Bid Requests from Lucent? Do
you have any friends who are close to scrappers and could act as a contact
for you? The computer items you mentioned that are to be on the 'doomed'
list seem way too good to not try a roundabout method of accessing them :(
>> Companies do not care about "rescuing".....
>Very much true.
Very few companies I know of nowadays seem to not even have the slightest
hint of care about such things as "rescuing" with which they cannot
directly have any monetary advantage.
Good luck.
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Fri Oct 29 1999 - 13:04:20 BST